
Some people in Manchester,Britain, will soon be paying for goods and services with so-called “smart” credit cards. These cards are more secure than the traditional magnetic-strip version and can be used to travel on buses, check bank accounts and do shopping.     The Manchester project is one of the biggest smart card schemes in the world. Every time people use the cards on a bus or train, the fare is deducted (reduced) from the value of the card. When they have no credit left, the cards can be recharged at a local shop.     Information is transferred by running the card throu读我国四大地理区域分布图,完成题 1.位于D区域中的我们家乡――江西的气候是 A.热带季风气候 B.亚热带季风气候 C.温带季风气候 D.温带大陆性气候 2.位于C、D之间的秦岭-淮河一线是我国重要的地理分界线,下列说法错误的是 ①南方与北方的分界线 ②水田和旱地的分界线 ③0℃等温线经过的地方 ④400mm等降水量线经过的地方 A.②④   B.①③ C.①②   D.③④ 3.D地区包括的地形区有 A.珠江三角洲、华北平原               B.江南丘陵、四川盆地 C.长江中下游平原、黄土高原             D.宁夏平原、东北平原
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