
下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(      ) A. 组委会在特意把奖杯送到袁隆平海南的水稻实验基地后,这位闻名世界的“中国水稻杂交之父”就在田地里接过了“2007年十大经济年度人物奖”奖杯。 B. 国产大片的稳定发展,不仅吸引了境外资金和国内其他行业资金投向国产电影,而且增强了观众对国产电影的热情。 C.我们中华民族是一个包容性很强的民族,我们要学习各个国家的长处,就是和自己民族政见不一致的国家也应该对话与沟通,增进了 一、单词拼写 1.He has been out of ____________ (联系) for 10 years. 2.Tom is a b___________ boy and he can learn something quickly. 3.I hear many famous actors will be p___________ at the party. 4.Children are always c___________ about almost everything around them. 5.In children's eyes, soldiers and firemen are always regarded as b___________ persons. 6.Since you can not see clearly, you'd better go to ask a doctor to e___________ your eyes. 7.The government has taken so many measures to ___________ (保护) wild animals. 8.With ___________ (科学的) methods, we can do anything better in less time. 9.If you want to learn English well, you must take every chance to ___________ (表达) yourself. 10.It is good for one's health to go out to breathe the ___________ (新鲜) air.
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