
在光下检测植物的呼吸作用不明显的原因是( ) A.光合作用强,吸收了二氧化碳 B.光下不进行呼吸作用 C.光合作用抑制了呼吸作用 D.光下呼吸作用减弱 答案:A阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 It takes a special potato to make great potato chips. That’s one thing America’s top cooks agree on. These cooks know that there are many kinds of potatoes, and each kind is good for a certain purpose. Red brown potatoes, for example, are great for frying in the oil. Red potatoes are best when boiled in the water.   60  .        The cooks also agree that potatoes can help your body keep healthy. Potatoes have many good things inside, like protein and vitamins. A single potato provides 50% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. In fact, potatoes, like lemons, were once very important to sailors. Vitamin C prevents scurvy (坏血病). Sailors got sick when spending a long time on the sea.   61  . It helped them avoid getting the disease.        To make full use of potatoes, listen to the cooks.   62  . Vitamins are lost when the skin of potatoes is taken off before cooking.        One thing the cooks can’t agree on is where the best potatoes are grown. Some say Washington.   63  . One thinks that it is Wisconsin.        A. Eating potatoes was good for them             B. It’s good for our health to eat potatoes        C. Others say the best potatoes are in Idaho          D. White potatoes are tastiest in potato salad         E. They say to cook potatoes with the skin on
生物 试题推荐