
Your body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment(营养). The old saying An apple a day keeps the doctor away. is not as silly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins in pill form(丸剂), believing that these will make them healthy. But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn't need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them?     In the mode它发表160多年来,一直是世界无产阶级进行社会革命的理论向导,对我们今天进行中国特色的社会主义建设仍有着重大的指导意义。这里的“它”是( )A. 《独立宣言》 B. 《人权宣言》C. 《共.产.党宣言》 D. 《解放黑人奴隶宣言》
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