
66. I’m so g________ for all your past kindness. 67. He has studied English for ten years and now he can speak English f________and accurately. 68.It is reported that this disease ________the central nervous system.(攻击) 69. Her success is owing to her positive a________ towards her work. 70. The refugees’main requirements are food and ________.(避身之所) 71. 8加4等于12。 4________________ 8 is 12. 72. 我们必须精通所学的知识,这样更有可能在未来有所创新。 Wemust ________________ the knowledge we have learned so that we’ll be more likelyt .(2010·浙江温州中学高三9月月考)    20. ---I am so glad I caught you at home. I need your help!    --- ________, Robin? A. What else.                          B. What’s up C. How come             D. Why not.
英语 试题推荐