
The film Network tells the sad tale of Howard Beale, a network news anchor who is about to lose his job over poor viewer ratings. He expresses his annoyance on air, castigating the network and cursing that life is “bullshit”. The plug is about to be pulled but suddenly his ratings rocket as the public gets in behind him. Ably played by Peter Finch, Howard becomes an instant celebrity and gets his own show. He then utters a line which has helped place Network amongst the top 100 American films ever produced. He encourages people to lean out of their windows and shout at the top of 19.某化学课外兴趣小组学生用如图所示的装置探究苯和液溴的反应并制备溴苯.请分析后回答下列问题(1)关闭F夹,打开C夹,向装有少量苯的三颈烧瓶的A口加少量液溴,再加入少量铁屑,塞住A口,则三颈烧瓶中发生反应的化学方程式为.(2)D试管内出现的现象为紫色石蕊试液变红.(3)E试管内出现的现象为溶液中有淡黄色沉淀生成.(4)三颈烧瓶右侧导管特别长,除导气外还起的作用是冷凝回流.(5)待三颈烧瓶中的反应进行到仍有气泡冒出时松开F夹,关闭C夹,可以看到的现象是_与F相连的广口瓶中NaOH溶液流入三颈烧瓶.(6)反应结束后将三颈烧瓶中的溴苯分离实验方法是分液.(铁屑已分离)
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