
Kindness is not always a straight line. I was traveling in a city of Central America with a friend, and we were  36  a post office. We were standing on a street corner and did not know what the Spanish word for “post office” was. Some 37  guy could see we were  38  and came up to us. We tried to  39  what we were looking for, and he said, “Oh, yes, yes,” and  40  us, with our backpacks on in the middle of the heat of the day, down all these little crooked (弯曲的) streets. It seemed like we walked for miles.  41 , he pointed us toward a  42  without any name on 阅读下列材料,回答下列问题。 材料一:山东部分地区四季时间表    季节 城市 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 始日(日/月) 季长日数 始日(日/月) 季长日数 始日(日/月) 季长日数 始日(日/月) 季长日数 济南 1/4 51 21/5 123 23/9 56 8/1l 135 滨州 11/4 50 1/6 103 23/9 56 8/11 156 德州 5/4 50 26/5 108 13/9 61 13/1l 146 聊城 1/4 56 26/5 108 13/9 56 8/11 145 兖州 1/4 61 1/6 108 18/9 56 8/11 140 临沂 S/4 61 6/6 102 13/9 61 13/11 141 日照 16/4 71 26/6 82 1 8/9 61 18/11 151 潍坊 11/4 61 11/6 92 13/9 61 13/11 151 青岛 21/4 76 6/7 72 18/9 61 18/11 156 材料二:山东省气候分区图 (1)根据表格资料,从气温高低和季节长短两方面比较青岛和济南两地气候的差异及其成因。 (2)同Ⅲ气候区比较,Ⅱ气候区发展耕作业的有利条件和不利条件各是什么? (3)有专家指出:山东是中国的缩影,东、中、西经济发展差异明显。为使全省经济协调发展,近年来,两部许多城市采取优惠措施,吸引东部企业到西部投资建厂。如威海艺达集团投资菏泽定陶建立艺达家纺,烟台鲁花集团在菏泽建立了鲁花食用油分公司……。根据所学知识,简要分析东部企业到西部投资的主要原因。 (4)总的说来,我省的鲁中山区和半岛地区旅游资源主要以自然景观为主,我省的其他地区旅游资源则主要以人文景观为主。试述产生这种差异的主要原因。
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