
    DENVER,COORADO——What does it take to be a hero? In the case of five Denver children,it only takes a cry for help.Here’s the story of these five heroes as Gary Lewis, the man they helped,tells it.     “I like to work on my old car.It’s my hobby.I wanted to put a new transmission(传动装置)in the car.I put the car up on blocks(大块木头)because I wanted to get under it.I was trying to get the old transmission out when suddenly the car moved forward and fell off the blocks.It came down on my chest.I couldn’t breathe.  “I tried to shout fo按要求改写句子。1.蔷薇花开了。(改成拟人句)_______________________________________________________________________2.要是你仔细观察,怎能发现不了骆驼留下的痕迹呢?(改成陈述句)_______________________________________________________________________3.你看看什么花刚刚开放。你知道大致是几点钟。(用关联词组成一句话)_______________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐