
  Panda Journey 任务型阅读 Many teenagers in Taiwan are anxiously counting down the days to the arrival of two giant pandas from the other side of the Straits. A group of 17 animal experts came to Wolong Nature Reserve (卧龙自然保护区) in Sichuan Province. They picked their ideal animals and learned more about artificial breeding ( 人工繁殖 ), disease prevention and daily care last week. 'I cannot wait any longer to see the lovely animals. I've seen them many times on TV. Maybe 1 will even feed them bamboo shoots with my own hands! Isn't that exciting said Lin Heqian, a Senior上海、井冈山、遵义、延安、西柏坡是我国著名“红色"旅游区。据下图和表格,关于①旅游区的叙述,错误的是红色旅游区旅游客前五位的省区延安北京、陕西、山西、河南、天津井冈山江西、浙江、上海、福建、广东 A.雪山连绵、冰川广布,自然风光独特B.许多旅游景观具有较高的历史文化价值C.地区接待能力不足是其旅游发展的制约因素之一D.位于西部经济地带
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