
小恒同学不慎被圆规扎到手指,引起肱二头肌收缩产生缩手反射。在此过程中,肱二头肌相当于图中的 A.①       B.②           C.③      D.④ 答案:B【1】She ____________(滑倒)over on the ice and broke her leg.【2】At 60, he was now approaching _____________(退休).【3】He ____________ (遗弃;抛弃)his wife and his child and went away with all their money.【4】We didn’t know you were in trouble at that time,__________ (否则)we would have given you a hand.【5】Teachers and students make regular ___________ (捐赠) to the students in need.【6】Our country has a large population, vast land and _____________(丰富的)natural resources.【7】It’s a great comfort to have a ____________(代替)family to be with when you miss your home.【8】The president of our school wrote a letter ________(祝贺)on the opening of the annual sports meeting.【9】Research ______________(表明;指出)that eating habits are changing fast.【10】She was shocked by the violent scene she _____________(目击).
生物 试题推荐