
With thousands of years of history and mythology in its area, Athens―named for the olive-tree-loving Athena---is more than a concrete jungle. It’s a lovely city decorated by outdoor cafes, pedestrian streets, parks, gardens and plenty of characters. If you get into the spirit of things, you might not even notice the smoke and fog hanging overhead.    The city is connected three sides by Mt Parnitha, Mt Pendeli and Mt Hymettos. Within Athens there are no less than eight hills, of which the Acropolis and Lykavitos are the most famous. The hills provide a peaceful rest from the noise of th“比较”是历史学习和研究的一种重要方法。《中华民国临时约法》和《1787年美国宪法》堪称是中美历史发展中的里程碑,对二者做比较,下列不属于两者共同点的是A.反映出民主与专制斗争的成果 B.深受法国启蒙思想的影响C.都采用三权分立的政治体制 D.都是本国第一部资产阶级民主宪法
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