
综合填空 Last week, we had a visit to the Science Museum. It was free, so we dropped in for three hours. The guide had (1) c      with us. She told us something about the museum. Above all, we should pay (2) a        to the signs in the museum, such as “No smoking”, “No shouting”, “No photos” and so on. Make sure we weren’t (3) a       the rules. Or we would be in trouble. Maybe we were be punished.  The human unusual inventions are on the second floor. I was interested in the inventions, so I went (4) u       . There I also work out my plans从下面两个文题中任选 一个作文。  (1)我多么想___________(如快点长大、远离脆弱、飞上蓝天等)  (2)精密测量珠穆朗玛峰高度应是全人类对自然的探索之一,它代表了人类对自然世界理性探索的科学精神。科学精神,就是要至真、惟实地探索和揭示客观世界基本规律,追求客观真理。我国科研人员自我“否定”,重测珠穆朗玛峰精确高度无疑是一种至真、惟实的科学精神。  请以“求真”为话题,写一篇文章。  要求:(1)将题目空四格开始抄写在答题纸第一行上。(2)不限文体(诗歌除外)。(3)字数在600字以上。(4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。
英语 试题推荐