
The reading skills of young male students may improve more when huts are tutored (辅导) by women, a Canadian study shows, contradicting some school policies to hire male teachers to improve boys' literacy. Herb Katz, an education professor at the University of Alberta, took 175 boys in the third and fourth grades, identified as struggling readers, and paired them with a research assistant who worked on their reading skills for 30 minutes a week over 10 weeks. On average, the boys paired with female tutors felt better about their reading skills after the 10 weeks than those who were guided by  新鲜蔬菜放在冰箱的冷藏室中,能适当延长保鲜时间的生理原因是 [  ]   A.呼吸作用减弱   B.呼吸作用加强   C.光合作用减弱   D.促进了物质的分解
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