
化学是一门以实验为基础的科学,如图是初中化学中几个重要的对比实验. (1)实验1中,观察到铜片上的白磷燃烧而红磷不燃烧,可得出可燃物燃烧的一个条件为 . (2)实验2中,观察到A烧杯中的现象是 ,由此可验证分子 性质. (3)实验3中,对比铁钉表面的不同现象,可推知铁生锈的条件是 .请写出两点防止铁器生锈的建议 刷. (4)实验4中,对比两支试管内液面高低的不同,可说明氢氧化钠能与二氧化碳发生反应,该反应的化学方程式为 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。We have a good time during the Spring Festival. On that day, I get up early. Then I put on my new clothes. I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I have breakfast with my parents. At noon I always go to my grandparents' house. They give me lucky money. In the afternoon,we make dumplings together. In the evening, we have dumplings, watch TV and talk. We all love the holiday.(1)I don't get up early on the Spring Festival.(2)I have breakfast after I brush my teeth and wash my face.(3)I get lucky money from my grandparents.(4)In the evening, we make dumplings.(5)We love the Spring Festival.
化学 试题推荐