
材料1:“嫦娥一号”月球探测卫星于北京时间2007年10月24日18时05分在西昌卫星发射中心由“长征三号甲”运载火箭发射升空。材料2:2007年11月26日,中国国家航天局正式公布“嫦娥一号”卫星传回的第一幅月面图像。材料3:2007年12月12日上午10时,庆祝我国首次月球探测工程圆满成功的大会在北京人民大会堂举行。材料4: “嫦娥一号”发射时,担负航天测控任务的海上测控点有两个,其中“远望三号”指挥船位于南太平洋赤道附近某海域。据此回答 Look at this robot(机器人)! It’s black and yellow. Many people think it is not cute. But it can do a lot of things. It comes from America. Its name is SpotMini. SpotMini has four legs and it looks like a dog. It doesn’t have a head but it has a long arm. It can do many things with its arm. SpotMini can walk. It can help you do housework(家务活). It can open the door. It can clean the floor and window. The robot can do more things than a real(真正的)dog.The robot can dance. It can do the moonwalk(太空步)like Michael Jackson. You can have a good time with it. We can use SpotMini in our lives. The robot can help to look after old people. It can also help build a house.【1】The robot SpotMini is from ________.A.ChinaB.EnglandC.America【2】SpotMini looks like a ________.A.duckB.dogC.horse【3】What do we know about SpotMini?A.It is cute.B.It has a head.C.It can help us.
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