
Back to School I had always longed to get a degree, but raising a family had come first. Now with my last _41_ in middle school, I thought, why not try to _42_ something while I still had the opportunity. When I told my husband Bob my idea, a broad smile lit up his face. “If that’s what you _43_, we’ll make it work.”  When we asked the kids for advice, they had mixed _44_. Our daughter, already in college, thought it a great idea while John, in high school, was _45_ that we might be in college at the same time. James, our youngest, wanted to know who would take him to football 据图所示的实验装置回答问题. (1)写出标号实验仪器的名称:a _______;b ___________。 (2)用A或B装置都可以制取氧气,用高锰酸钾制取氧气的化学反应方程式为______________;若用D装置收集氧气,验满的方法是___________________。 (3)实验室制取二氧化碳时,可选用的发生装置是 _________(填字母代号),发生反应的化学方程式为: ______________________________,检验产生的气体是二氧化碳的方法是 ___________________。
英语 试题推荐