
Have you ever had a troubling problem that has left you wondering where to turn for help?        Eve Hobsbawm is a life adviser. She offers advice to people struggling with different kinds of problems, from relationship difficulties to what to cook for dinner. She does this through a website inviting people to email her with their trouble. There’ s nothing unusual about that, except for the fact that Eve is only eight years old. This junior problem-solver, who also goes by the name “Miss Eve Mouse”, lives in London with her parents. Not only is Miss Mouse willing to lend an阅读下面文言短文,完成后面的题目。薛谭学讴①于秦青,未穷青之技,自谓尽之,遂辞归。秦青弗止,饯于郊衡② , 抚节③悲歌,声振林木,响遏行云。薛谭乃谢求反,终身不敢言归。注释:①讴:唱歌。②饯于郊衢:在城外大道旁给他喝酒送行。③抚节:打着节拍。④遏:阻止。(1)对下列各句中加线字的用法、意义判断正确的一组是( ) ①薛谭学讴于秦青②饯于郊衢 ③未穷青之技④自谓尽之A.①与②相同,③与④不同B.①与②不同,③与④相同C.①与②相同,③与④相同D.①与②不同,③与④不同(2)请用现代汉语翻译画线句。(3)这个故事给你怎样的启示?
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