
17.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都正确的一项是(3分) ①从历史上看,人类社会每一个新时代的开启,似乎都与技术变革息息相关。如今,正是新的技术革命爆发的前夜。 ②他心高气傲,目空一切,总喜欢妄自菲薄别人,结果可想而知,没有人愿意跟他打交道,他成了大海里的一叶孤舟。 ③在义工联盟中,他不仅是发起人、带头者,更是义工精神的实践者、坚守者,时时处处都处心积虑,亲力亲为。 ④82岁高龄的袁隆平面对辉煌没有任何改变,他依 单词拼写   1. The vegetable market is always ___________ (拥挤) in the morning.   2. Our country is ________________ (发展) very quickly.   2. Would you like to see the car ________________ (展览) with me?   3. You need to buy new ________________ (电池) for the clock.   5. The two ___________ (宇航员), Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the pride of us Chinese.   6. They were ________________ (期待) a letter from you.   7. Don’t ________(抱怨)about the life too often.   8. Space boots will probably become very ________________ (时尚).   9. The _______ temperature of the human body is 37℃.   10.The _________ of China is much larger than Japan. Japan just has 128,000,000 people.
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