
阅读下面这首诗,完成后面各题。 旅   宿 杜 牧 旅馆无良伴,凝情自悄然。寒灯思旧事,断雁警愁眠。 远梦归侵晓,家书到隔年。沧江好烟月,门系钓鱼船。 13.颈联是怎样运用虚实结合手法的,试简要分析。(5分) 14.联系全诗,简要分析尾联蕴含的诗人情感。(6分) 答案:13.虚写乡愁令人难眠,渐入梦境,梦回故乡。可是路途遥远,醒来时天已大亮。(2分)实写的是远离故乡,书信难达。(2分)表达诗人羁旅中的思乡之情。(1分) 14.诗歌前三联中“无良伴”“愁眠”“远梦”“家书”等词语点明情境,表明诗人的羁旅愁思。独在异乡,离家久远,没有知音,家书阅读文章,填入合适的单词把句子补充完整,每空一词。In Japan(日本), there are three Children’s Days.The first one is for girls. It’s March 3rd. Parents put pretty Japanese clothes and dolls(玩偶) on the table. They are presents(礼物) for their girls. The second one is for boys. It’s May 5th. People make a lot of carp fish and hang(挂)them. They look beautiful in the wind! Japanese people think carp fish are strong and healthy. Boys have toys of Samurai(武士). Now, girls can have fun on this day too. The third one is Seven-Five-Three Day on November the 15th. This day is for young children of seven, five and three years old. The parents and the children go to shrines(神社) to wish for a healthy and happy life. Children wear nice Japanese clothes and have a bag of candies and toys. 【1】A 7-year-old boy from Japan can have _____ Children’s Days in a ______.【2】Parents put pretty Japanese clothes and dolls on the table on _____ 3rd for ____.【3】The ______ Children’s Day in Japan is on ______ 5th.【4】People ______ and hang a lot of carp fish because these fish are strong and ____.【5】Children wear nice _____ and have sweets and ______ on Seven-Five-Three Day.
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