
Four interesting festivalsGrand Old DaysPhone numeber: (651) 699-0029E-mail address: fo@grandave.comGrand Old Days is one of the Midwest’s largest one-day festivals. It’s held every year on the first Sunday in June. It starts at 7:45 am until 5:00 pm. You should pay $8 for a ticket to enter the live music festival gardens and you must be at least 21 years old. There are a lot of interesting activities for the whole family.Uptown Art FairPhone numeber: (612) 823-4581E-mail address: info@uptownminneapolis.comThere is a wide variety of artwork you can buy from only a few dollars to thous(地理——选修3:旅游地理)阅读材料,完成下列问题。《徐霞客游记》是一部以日记体为主的地理著作,记述了徐霞客在旅行中的现察所得,对地理、水文、地质、植物等现象均作了详细记录,在地理学和文学上做出了举有价值的贡献。下图为徐霞客西行路线示意图。 “世界那么大,你该去看看”。请从徐霞客西行路线所经地区中选择目的地,为你所在的学校设计一条5日地理实践考察线路。要求:旅游主题明确,旅游活动安排合理,游览价值突出,有地理特色。
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