
It’s a cold spring morning in London. Many people are ill. So there are many people in the doctor’s waiting room. An old woman is first in the queue(队伍).She wants to see the doctor because she has a very bad cold. She lives in a small town. Now she is in the city to see her son. She gets up early and comes to the hospital quickly. A man comes into the waiting room and quickly walks to the doctor’s door. The old woman thinks he is a queue jumper(不排队等候的人). She stands up and takes his arm. She says, “We are all here before you. You must wait for your turn(轮流)依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一项是①他在果园工作了二十多年,十分________果树栽培技艺。②该公司________要退出竞争,私下里却加紧活动,谋划战胜对手的策略。③由于高速公路的迅速发展,________加快了珠江三角洲与港澳地区的物资交流速度。A.熟习  扬言  从而B.熟悉  佯言  进而C.熟悉  扬言  进而D.熟习  佯言  从而
英语 试题推荐