
“So teach him to close the door”, my daughter Emma responded after listening to me 36   , again, about the dog coming in from the back door, bringing with him a blast of Buffalo January   37   air. Teach a dog to close a door behind him? That has got to be a really, really   38    thing to do.But then she took it a step   39   .“Come on, Kolby”, she said, grabbing some treats(犒劳物) and   40   him in front of the open door.“Touch.” And “touch” he did, which moved the door to a   41   position.She  42   him with a treat, smiled, look储藏水果和粮食时,充加或抽取空气,能延长储藏时间,主要是由于 [  ] A.抑制有氧呼吸B.促进有氧呼吸 C.抑制无氧呼吸D.促进无氧呼吸
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