
During times of trouble, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke from a small room without a fireplace in the White House basement to millions of Americans. In his calm and conversational manner, he reassured(使......恢复信心)the nation in the depths of the Great Depression(大萧条)and through a World War. Saul Bellow described his own experience of listening to President Roosevelt, hold the nation together, using only a radio and the power of his personality. I can recall walking eastward on the Chicago Midway... drivers had pulled over, parking bumper(保险杠) to bumper小亮同学非常喜欢观察思考生物现象.雨后的一天下午,他仔细地观察地上的蚯蚓,想到了一个问题:蚯蚓生活在土中,它们到底喜欢明亮还是喜欢黑暗?请你根据小亮的问题,提出假设并设计一个探究活动.(1)、假设:________(2)、探究方案(3)、预期结果:________.
英语 试题推荐