
绿色植物光合作用的影响因素 是多方面的,其外界因素有光照强度、 CO2的含量,温度等;其内部因素有酶的 活性、色素的数量、五碳化合物的含量等。 请根据右图影响光合作用的因素分析:    (1)如果右图横坐标代表光照强度,其影 响光合速率主要是影响__________阶 段,若阴生植物的光合作用曲线为 c,则阳生植物的光合作用曲线最可能 是________。    (2)如果右图横坐标代表温度,温度主要通过影响___________来影响光合速率。若d曲线表示干物填写句子补全对话:   (Kate comes in the shop. The shopkeeper receives her.)   S: Good morning! (1) ?   K: I'd like a jacket for myself.   S: (2) ?   K: A yellow one.   S: (**3) ?   K: I'd like a woolen one. A woolen jacket is more beautiful than a cotton one, I think. Please pass me the one on the left.   S: Here you are, madam. You'd better try it on.   K: Oh, it's nice for me. (*4) ?   S: It costs eighty dollars.   K: How expensive it is! (**5) ?   S: Yes, we do. But the cheap jackets are all cotton. Of course, they aren't so nice as the woolen ones.   K: I'm afraid I haven't brought enough money with me.   S: (6) . We'll keep the yellow woolen jacket for you for a day. You can come to buy it tomorrow.   K: It's very kind of you!   S: No trouble at all. 1.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________ 6.________________________________________________
生物 试题推荐