
阅读下面的宋词,然后回答问题。(8分) 鹧鸪天   辛弃疾 欲上高楼去避愁,愁还随我上高楼。经行几处江山改,多少亲朋尽白头! 归休去,去归休,不成人总要封侯。浮云出处元无定,得似浮云也自由。 18.这首词表达了词人哪些情感?(4分) 19.“欲上高楼去避愁,愁还随我上高楼”与李清照的“只恐双溪蚱蜢舟,载不动、许多愁”(《武陵春·风住尘香》)都是写愁的名句,请简要赏析。(4分)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文。用A、B、C或D表示) Which of your hands do you use more often? Very   1   of us can use both of our hands equally(同样地) well. Most of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left handed. New-born babies can hold things   2   either of their hands, but in about two years they usually   3   to use their right hands. Scientists do not know why this happens. They thought that we inherited(遗传) from our animal ancestors(祖先), but this may not be   4  . Because scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other, … but it can be   5   hand. There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones. Next time you visit the zoo, you'll see that some of them will use their left hands. But most people use their right hands better and this   6   life difficult for the left-handed people. We live in a right-handed world. 1. [  ] A.fewB.a few C.littleD.many 2. [  ] A.byB.from C.withD.through 3. [  ] A.stopB.decide C.agreeD.like 4. [  ] A.foolishB.real C.trueD.wrong 5. [  ] A.eitherB.any C.everyD.neither 6. [  ] A.doesB.brings C.makesD.keeps
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