
第三节:书面表达(满分20分) 假设外国友人到你校参观,请你用英语向他们介绍下面所列内容: 时间活动方式活动内容 上午与校长会见校长介绍校史 参观实验楼、图书馆、校办工厂 参加英语角活动英语对话 下午到同学家做客结识家长,共进晚餐 答案:Welcome to our school. I’m very pleased to have the honor to tell you the activities you are going to have today. First our headmaster will meet you and tell you the history of our school. After that you’ll be shown around our lab building, library and school factory. And then you will join the boys and girls in their English corner. Some of them would like to invite you to their homes in the 20.已知 x=$\root{a+b}{m}$是m的立方根,y=$\root{3}{b-6}$是x的相反数,且m=3a-7,求x与y的平方和的立方根.
英语 试题推荐