
在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过l5个字。(5分) 二氧化碳是最主要的大气保温气体之一。大气中的二氧化碳浓度升高会导致全球变暖,造成天气干旱或旱涝不均,甚至可能造成海洋水位上升,淹没大量沿海城市,                         。然而,也有研究指出,                   :比如增加的二氧化碳可以给植物“施肥”,有利于植物的生长。但这必须有个前提词汇运用1. She suggested several ways to ________(使伤心的女孩高兴). 2. ________(由于种种原因), this kind of animal died out.3. The driver ________(收了我5元的出租车钱). 4. Several boys of the group ________(被起诉) fighting in the street.5. I think ________(讲座的门票) too expensive for a common student.6. Your silence is ________(承认) of your guilt.7. He ________(获利) of 5,000 dollars on the deal.8. I think many local people will ________(从中受益) the development of the area.9. The police will look into the case ________(涉及几个孩子的). 10. The equipment is still at the ________(实验) stage.11. ________(科学技术的发展) has made it possbile to perform the operation.12. You are ________(自愿的) to attend the party.
语文 试题推荐