
Growers around the world are using new methods to grow grapes to make wine. They use natural and organic methods to control harmful insects and weeds instead of using chemicals. Now, a winery in Canada has adopted a natural way to control its grapevines (葡萄藤). The Featherstone Winery is in southern Ontario. The grapevines, like other plants, need to be cut every year. Cutting grapevines must be done very carefully. Only a targeted area of leaves is removed from the lower part of the vines to help the grapes grow better. But at the Featherstone Winery, no man or machine does the 郑万高铁河南段预计2019年开通,建设中用“Fe2O3+2AlAl2O3+2Fe”对钢轨中的缝隙进行焊接,该反应的基本类型是(  )A. 化合反应 B. 分解反应 C. 置换反应 D. 复分解反应
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