
3.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(  )朱光潜先生说过,诗是培养趣味的最好媒介。不懂得诗,人生便无趣味。              ,              ,              ,              ,              。 ①譬如读小说只见到故事而不见到它的诗,就像看到了花架而忘了架子上的花 ②同样,不懂得诗,文学的趣味也必然低下 ③因为一切文学都要有诗的特质,文学的各种样式都可当成一首诗看 ④如完形填空。This is a photo 1 a classroom. It's2 classroom. Look 3 the walls (墙). They4 white. You can see5old photo 6 the wall. What can you see7 the photo? This is 8 desk. 9 English book is on it. These are 10. They're on the desk too.(1)A.of B.in C.on D.at (2)A.ours B.our C.we's D.our's (3)A.at B.after C.like D.on (4)A.is B.are C.am D.be (5)A./ B.a C.an D.some (6)A.in B.on C.of D.at (7)A.after B.in C.to D.of (8)A.my B.my a C.my the D.mine (9)A.Some B.A C.An D./ (10)A.my pencils B.my pencil C.mine pencil D.pencil
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