
下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( ) A.蹉跎 娴雅 发牢搔 缘木求鱼 B.赐给  翰藻  照相机  风雨如晦 C.慰籍  琐碎  钓鱼竿  谈笑风生 D.暮霭  沙鸥  电线杆  关怀倍至   答案:BA项搔—骚,C项籍—藉,D项倍—备。  Read and match.读问句,找答句。(_____)1.When is the sports meet? A. Yes, we will.(_____)2. What will you do on Children’s Day? B. It’s in April.(_____)3. Will we play games? C. She will sing a song.(_____)4.What will she do at the party? D. We will have a party.
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