
A political scientist from Indiana University whose work exploring how people come together to protect their collective (共有的)resources may provide important clues in the fight against elimate change has become the first woman to win the Nobel prize for economics. Elinor Ostrom, 76, shares the award with fellow American academic Oliver E. Williamson, 77. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced to the world the pair had been chosen to win the 40th prize in economic sciences. For Ostrom, the award came, as she showed, as a “big surprise”. To rise to the summit of her area of图中①②③④依次为细胞中相关元素或各种化合物占细胞鲜重的含量,正确的是 (    ) A.C、O、H、N;水、蛋白质、糖类、脂质 B.C、O、N、H;蛋白质、水、脂质、糖类 C.C、O、H、N;蛋白质、水、脂质、糖类 D.H、O、C、N;水、蛋白质、脂质、糖类
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