
Games in Class        Playing computer games is getting serious. Washington teacher Tammie Schrader is so enthusiastic about computer games in education that she thinks they can be used to teach programming skills which will help students in college——starting in middle school.        Canadian teacher Justin Holladay wrote a few simple games to help his students practice math skills, and when they caught on, he started his own company to create more of them.        And the University of Washington’s Zoran Popovic got more than 4,000 Washington students to master t20.读中国轮廓图,回答问题.(1)写出图中字母所代表的地理事物名称.陆上邻国:A蒙古.Y哈萨克斯坦隔海相望的国家:B韩国.临海:C南海.岛屿:D台湾岛.河流:F塔里木河.省区:H内蒙古自治区 简称内蒙古(2)地形区G与四川盆地纬度大致相同,气温却比四川盆地低得多,其主要影响因素是DA.纬度位置  B.植被分布的差异C.海陆位置 D.海拔高度的差异(3)对我国的位置评价,不正确的是CA.南北跨纬度广,气候差异大,为我国发展多种农业经济提供了有利条件B.辽阔的海域,便于我国海洋事业和国际贸易的发展C.我国领土全部位于北温带,温和多雨,利于农业生产D.陆地疆域深入亚欧大陆内部,便于我国与众多陆上邻国发展边境贸易(4)河流F是我国最大的内流河,其地表径流的补给主要来源于DA.深层地下水                  B.山地降水和地下水C.大气降水                    D.山地降水和高山冰雪融水.
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