
如图所示,将一个体积为1.0×10-3m3、重6N的木块用细线系在底面积为400cm2的圆柱形容器的底部。当容器中倒入足够的水使木块被浸没时,求:(g=10N/kg)(1)木块浸没在水中受到的 浮力(2)剪断细线后,木块处于静止时,木块露出水面的体积多大(3)木块露出水面处于静止后,容器底部所受水的压强减小了多少Delvin Washington was having a difficult speech therapy (治疗). Over half a year ago, Washington was preparing for the biggest day of his young life ---graduating from high school. But on a cloudy day in May, he had a serious car accident. He survived, but his life changed forever. He recently began all-day physical rehabilitation (康复治疗). He is relearning almost everything, from the names of his best friends to simple physical tasks.His friends and family have given him a lot of support. While Washington lay in a coma in hospital, friends and family filled his room during visits. They celebrated his 18th birthday in July while he was still unconscious.Two days after Thanksgiving, eight friends from high school visited Washington at his home. The friends looked through photos on Facebook, showing them all to Washington. As he sat in his wheelchair, friends asked him to recognize the people in the photos, helping him recover his brain.Washington’s popularity doesn’t come from nowhere. He was determined to become a police officer after college and behaved like a respectable police officer at school.His high school principal (校长), Eric Markinson, said Washington was always a gentleman. “He was incredibly gracious (和善的) and incredibly helpful,”he said.His accident has damaged Washington’s brain. It has caused his left side, from his face to his feet, to all but shut down. His personality has also changed. The serious police-officer behavior is gone. He laughs a lot and smiles when he sees children, his mom said.Now Washington is working hard on all-day rehabilitation. So far, he has made tremendous (巨大的) improvement, said his therapist Lindsay Sims.“I try to live as independently as possible,”Washington said slowly but firmly.【1】What happened to Delvin Washington last May?A. He started to make improvements in his speech therapy.B. He was seriously injured in a car accident.C. He graduated from high school with good grades.D. He suffered a heart attack and went into a coma.【2】What can we know about Washington’s friends?A. They helped Washington make up for the lesson s he had missed.B. They worked together to collect money for Washington on campus.C. They helped Washington realize his dream of becoming a police officer.D. They regularly visited Washington and helped him with his rehabilitation.【3】Which word can best describe Delvin Washington?A. strong—willed B. energeticC. pessimistic D. depressed【4】What is the article mainly about?A. Washington’s friendship with his friends.B. Washington making great efforts to achieve his dream.C. What makes Washington so popular at school.D. How Washington is recovering his brain.
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