
Do you know that you can use your watch as compass(指南针)on a sunny day? Look at the watch which is on your hand and point the hour hand in the direction of the sun. Imagine a line which runs from the center of the watch through a point halfway between the hour hand and number one. This line will point south. In the northern half of the earth the sun is in the south at noon. In our country the real noon is one o’clock. If at that time we point the hour hand at the sun, the hour hand and number one will point south. That’s why you must imagine a line which will run from the 可持续发展世界首脑会议于2002年8月26日至9月4日在南非约翰内斯堡举行,与会代表就可持续发展道路上的主要问题进行了广泛的讨论。关于可持续发展的说法,正确的( ) A.发展中国家环境问题比发达国家严重,在世界可持续发展上应承担更多责任和义务 B.人口压力、资源短缺和环境危机使我国必须走可持续发展道路 C.经济高速发展是可持续发展的基础 D.可持续发展的根本目的是创造尽可能多的物质财富
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