
The Lyceum Theatre    David Bateman is a huge fan of this theatre. “You cannot find a theatre with a more varied past,” he argues. At first a place for musicals, the Lyceum soon began to host a lot of different events. Then there were more changes and the theatre was used as a music hall before once again becoming a theatre. And it was during this period, in 1934, that Queen Elizabeth II saw her very first pantomime (童话剧) here! The London Palladium    Felix Knight would be surprised if you hadn’t heard of this very famous theatre in the West End. In the 1950s, millions o五四运动是一次“空前的最广泛的表达民族感情的示威……标志着中国现代民族主义的迅速生成”。以下各项反映了材料中说法的是(  ) ①“外争国权,内惩国贼” ②运动规模从北京扩展到全国 ③学生、工人、市民广泛参加 ④体现了中共民主革命纲领的影响 A.①④     B.②③     C.①②③     D.①②③④
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