
The largest television network in America is not ABC, CBS, or Fox.Nor is it one of the cable net—works such as CNN, which carries only news and news stories.It is not ESPN, the all-sports cable net-work, or even MTV, which is famous for its music videos.Rather it is PBS, Public Broadcasting System, a non-profit public broadcasting TV service.PBS has 349 member television stations in the U.S.and some member stations by cable in Canada.     PBS only attracts a minority of all TV viewers, about 2 percent.The industry leader, NBC, however, attracts 11 percent of viewers.But 请根据神经系统的结构示意图回答:(1)请用图中字母写出“缩手反射”活动的反射途径:_________。A.B→A→C→D→EB.C→D→A→E→BC.A→B→E→C→DD.D→C→E→A→B(2)有人只有在看到自己下肢的情况下,才知道下肢的具体活动情况,则此人可能的损伤部位是[     ]_________。A.[F]上行传导的神经纤维B.[G]上行传导的神经纤维C.[F]下行传导的神经纤维D.[G]下行传导的神经纤维(3)由(1)(2)可知,脊髓具有_________功能。A.反射、控制B.反射、传导C.反应、传导D.传导、控制(4)人在吃梅、看梅、谈梅时都能分泌唾液,其中不需大脑皮层参与就能完成的反射活动的是_______。 A.吃梅B.看梅C.谈梅
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