
读“鲜花和蔬菜生产和销售的模式示意图”,回答下面试题。 阶段Ⅰ鲜花和蔬菜产区形成的主要区位因素是 A.地形平坦      B.雨热同期     C.市场需求     D.劳动力不足 阶段Ⅱ鲜花和蔬菜全部从乙输入,其根本原因可能是 A.甲地全部城市化                     B.甲地交通条件大大改善 C.密度小,劳动力工资水平低           D.乙地生产鲜花和蔬菜的条件好,成本低阅读以上选自《牛津高阶英语词典》的词条,回答下列问题。【小题1】Which of the following words is the first in alphabetical(字母的) order in a dictionary?A.shoot B.ignore C.valuable D.resource 【小题2】 The pronunciation of the word" resource" is         .【小题3】What is the past form of the word "shoot"?A.shooted B.shot C.shoot D.shooting 【小题4】Which sentence is wrong after learning these words in the dictionary?A.Canada is rich in water resources. B.This is a valuable decision. C.He ignorance the doctor's advice. D.He used to shoot wild animals. 【小题5】 What do the words" shoot", "ignore", "valuable" and" resource" mean in Chinese?A.嫩芽;资源;有价值的;忽略 B.忽略;资源;嫩芽;有价值的 C.资源;忽略;嫩芽;有价值的 D.嫩芽;忽略;有价值的;资源
地理 试题推荐