
Odiand remembers like it was yesterday working in an expensive French restaurant in Denver.The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman. .Thirty years have passed, but Odiand can' t get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman' s kind reaction.She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Odiand,  “It' s OK.It wasn' t your fault. When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter. Watch out for anyon小明用凸透镜、蜡烛、光屏和刻度尺等器材,探究凸透镜成像的规律。(9分)(1)如图所示,将凸透镜正对着太阳光,把光屏置于另一侧,改变光屏与凸透镜间的距离,直到光屏上出现一个        的光斑,测得凸透镜的焦距是       cm。(2)小明将烛焰、凸透镜和光屏的中心调到同一高度,无论怎样移动光屏,都不能得到清晰的像原因可能是                。实验一段时间蜡烛变短,要使烛焰像仍然成在光屏的中心,应将凸透镜向       移动。(3)小明现把蜡烛放在距凸透镜40 cm处,在凸透镜另一侧前后移动光屏,在光屏上可以得到一个      (填“放大”、“缩小”或“等大”)的    (填“实”或“虚”)像。若小明在凸透镜前放置一个凹透镜,要想在光屏上接收到清晰的像,应该将光屏向    (选填“靠近”或“远离”)凸透镜的方向移动。(4)小明用三个焦距不同的凸透镜进行实验,数据记录如上表。分析表中数据可知,在物距一定时,凸透镜的焦距越大,所成实像的像距      ;根据你所学凸透镜成像规律分析,此时所成像的大小      。(均选填“越大”、“越小”或“不变”)。
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