
图7反映某生理过程或现象,以下叙述不正确的是    A.若x表示家庭酿造葡萄酒时的温度变化,则曲线表示产酒量与温度变化的关系 B.若y表示饭后血液中葡萄糖含量变化,则BC段曲线是由于 胰岛素的作用,血液中部分葡萄糖转化为糖原 C.在草→兔→狼的封闭草原生态系统中,若大量捕杀狼群,曲线表示一定时间内兔的数量变化 D.曲线表示菜豆种子在萌发成幼苗的过程中有机物含量的变化情况 单词拼写。结合语境,根据首字母或汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。【1】Mrs. Smith’s weight was increasing quickly, so his husband told her to go on a d_____.【2】The child can keep his b_________ with his legs on his new bicycle.【3】One o______ not to cross the street against the red light.【4】I like its color and style, but I’m still wondering if you could possibly give me a d__________.【5】Young students are the regular c__________ of these hamburger stores.【6】If possible, you should use one knife for fresh vegetable and another for ________ (生的) meat.【7】The company’s big __________ (弱点) has always been the high cost of those sales.【8】In addition, __________ (力量) training exercises should be done at least twice a week.【9】He bought some fish for his wife to _________ (油煎) for dinner.【10】I dream of traveling all over the world to satisfy my _________ (好奇心).
生物 试题推荐