
The South Pole is a particularplace on the earth.When people stand at the top of it looking around,theywill find all directions face to north.No matter how they make their firststep in which direction,they will always walk towards the north.That’s to say,onlynorth and south exist there,neither east nor west exists. At the top of the South Pole,anyclock or watch keeps good time because all meridians(子午线) join there.Allkinds of local time are completely suitable there.It is even difficult todistinguish(区别) New Year’s Eve from New Year’s Day. The explorers and scientists f下列划线字的注音,全都正确的一组是(    )A.臣等不肖(xiāo)刎颈之交(jǐng)广成传舍(zhuàn)缪贤舍人(shě)B.见臣列观(guān)相如虽驽(nǔ) 渑(miǎn)池宁许以负秦曲(qū)C.使人遗赵王书(wèi)引车避匿(nì)礼节甚倨(jù)廷叱(chì)之D.佯(yáng)为汤镬(huò)睨柱(ní)               秦王不怿(yì)
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