
根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 66. She often tells me j______ and makes me laugh.                               67. The old man feels very l______ because he has no friends to talk with.        68. Why not i       Amy to our party?     —That’s a good idea.                                        69. Xiao Wei is a s_______ girl. Her face always turns red when she speaks to others.        70. Our parents often w_______ us not to swim in the river. It’s dangerous.       近代史上日本帝国主义对中国发动的两次大规模侵略战争,中国一败一胜的不同结局的原因有(     )A.是否实行全民族抗战B.国际环境不同C.是否依靠军队抗战D.中日力量对比不同
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