
下列常用词语中书写完全正确的一项是 A.合衷共济    哄堂大笑    欢呼雀跃 B.惹是生非    仁致义尽    色厉内荏 C.欢欣鼓舞    故弄玄虛    行迹可疑 D.上吐下泻    有条不紊    胁从不问 答案:D 解析: 合衷共济(和) 仁致义尽(至)  行迹可疑(形)根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1.-- Where would you like to go on vacation? -- I’d like to go somewhere __________ (relax).2.More and more foreign __________ (visit) are interested in Beijing.3.- What ____________ (happen) to Jim last night? -- He fell down and hurt his leg.4.The children were ___________ (happy) because they didn’t get Christmas presents.5.--_________ you ever _________ (speak) to a foreigner before?-- No, I haven’t.
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