
   I like traveling. I have traveled to many places  61  I went to college, and my travel to Tibet impressed me  62  (deep). I took the train there with my friends and enjoyed the scenery all the way. When the train  63  (be) close to Tibet, I had a headache. Then I found  64   difficult to breathe and felt exhausted. I knew that all my  65  (symptom 症状) were called altitude(海拔)sickness. And it took me a few hours to get used to it.     Tibet,  66  (know) as the “Roof of the World”, has  67  great many world-famous places of interest  68  (inc下面现象属于吸热过程的是( )(1)滴在桌面上的墨水逐渐干了;(2)寒冷的冬天,戴眼镜的同学从室外逐渐走进暖和的室内,镜片突然蒙上一层小水珠;(3)刚剥去包装纸的冰棒周围冒“白烟”;(4)放在衣柜内的樟脑丸逐渐变小.A.(1)(2)B.(2)(3)C.(2)(4)D.(1)(4)
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