
请回答有关绵羊遗传与发育的问题: (1)假设绵羊黑面(A)对白面(a)为显性,长角(B)对短角(b)为显性,两对基因位于常染色体上且独立遗传。①在两组杂交实验中,Ⅰ组子代只有白面长角和白面短角,数量比为3∶1;Ⅱ组子代只有黑面短角和白面短角,数量比为1∶1。其亲本的基因型组合是:Ⅰ组______,Ⅱ组________。 ②纯种与非纯种的黑面长角羊杂交,若子代个体相互交配能产生白面长角羊,则杂交亲本的基因型组合有________。 (2)假设绵羊的面色性状属于单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) In the old times, many political leaders were not thought ________(高度评价) of. Father _______ (承诺,许诺)to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination. He is _______(诚实的) and he never tells lies. Once he was the _______ (教练)of our football team Many rare animals are in ________(危险)because they are being hunted for. While reading, please pay much __________ (注意)to your pronunciation. Our school was _________ (设计)by a famous professor from Tongji University. People say that barking dogs don’t ________ .(咬) Dave didn't __________ (回复)to any of her emails, which made her angry. I am busy, so I have to e_________ (雇佣)a housekeeper to look after my children.
生物 试题推荐