
Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for the London bus. The bus for London would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in lines, and others were walking about. There was a group of school girls. Their teacher was crying to keep them in order. Tom looked around but there was nowhere for him to sit. He walked into the station café. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down, facing a large mirror on the wall. Just then, John, one of Tom’s friends, came in and sat with To请结合所学知识及下图1、2中的有关信息,回答相关问题。(1)高位截瘫的病人会无意识排便排尿,其原因是脊髓中的低级中枢受到图1中的_______(填A、B)处相应高级中枢的调控。此区域除了_____________以及_________________的功能外,还具有语言、学习、记忆和思维等方面的高级功能。(2)图2所示为大脑某个神经细胞局部,该神经细胞处于____状态,判断依据是__________________________。(3)在图2所示神经纤维的某处给予一适当电刺激,此时这一部位会产生兴奋。关于刺激强度与兴奋强度之间的关系,现有两种假设:假设1:在一定范围内随着现汇强度的增强兴奋与随之增强,超出该范围,兴奋强度不再随刺激强度的增强而增强。假设2:________________________________。请在坐标图中画出假设1相对应的实验结果________________。
英语 试题推荐