
  A huge shire horse in Australia has been declared the biggest horse in the world by its owner , beating the current Guinness World Record(吉尼斯记录) by several inches . The huge five-year-old , from Pakenham , S. E Australia , measures an amazing 20.1 hands , or 2.057m tall . He weighs over 1.3 tons ( 1,300kg) — about the same as a small car — and is still growing . His owner , horse trainer Jane Greenman , 47 , says the only time the horse runs is when there is food on offer . “ He eats an unbelievable amount . I would hate to run a team of eight horses his size—it下列对物质的检验、鉴别、分离、提纯方法不合理的是A.用氨水和稀盐酸分离溶液中的Mg2+和Al3+B.用氯水和KSCN溶液检验溶液中的Fe2+C.用焰色反应鉴别NaCl与KCl固体D.用渗析法除去Fe(OH)3胶体中的FeCl3
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