
完形填空   Franco is a waiter in New York City. He has one week __1__for summer holiday every year. Last summer he__2__to take a trip to California. He didn’t want to go __3__plane. So he decided to take the train from New York to California. The train __4__Penn Station in New York City on Monday at 10:00 p.m. Franco tried to sleep that night, _5__he couldn’t. He was too excited because he knew this trip was a wonderful idea. For five days, Franco didn’t __6__the train. He often had a __7__through the train and talked with the other passengers. Sometimes he walked between th一组数据的平均数是2,方差是3,若将这组数据中的每一个数据都加上60,得到一组新数据,则所得新数据的平均数和方差分别是______和______.
英语 试题推荐