
Allen goes everywhere with Brigitta Anderson, a 54 year-old secretary. He moves around her office at work and goes shopping with her. “Most people don’t mind Allen,” says Brigitta, who thinks he is wonderful. “He is my fourth child,” she says. She may think of him and treat him that way, buying him delicious food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Allen is only a dog. Brigitta and Allen live in Sweden, a country where everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to the rules laid down by the government, which also provides a high level of care for its 下面是关于课文中心意思的三种概括,选出最恰当的一项( )A. 通过回忆“我”少年时代在农村看社戏的愉快经历,赞扬了农民孩子的优秀品质,表现了作者对劳动人民的热爱,对自由生活的向往和对封建教育的不满。B. 课文写的是“我”十一二岁的时候在平桥村夜航到赵庄看社戏的一段生活情景。作者以饱含深情的优美笔触,刻画了一群农家子弟栩栩如生的形象,展示了农村自由天地中充满诗情画意的儿童生活画卷,表现了劳动人民淳朴、善良、友爱、无私的美好品质,反映作者对劳动人民的热爱和对自由的向往。C. 课文写出了一片难得的“乐土”,塑造出一群可爱的孩子,寄托着作者那时的理想,以及对新生的希望。 B 【解析】A.“对封建教育的不满”表现不充分;C.“对新生的希望”属无中生有。
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