
Today is a difficult one. It is my dad’s birthday. He passed away last July from cancer. I was so dreaded this day. My husband and I picked up my dad’s sister, who was also just diagnosed (诊断) with cancer. We took her out to breakfast. She told us that earlier in the week, she had tried to get a prescription (处方) filled before starting chemotherapy (化疗). She couldn’t afford to pay for it, so we decided to stop at a drugstore and ask if there was a genetic form of the medication that was less expensive. I went inside and began talking to the pharmacist (药剂师). I 19.在横线里填上合适的数或单位名称.6吨=6000千克            9000米=9千米4年=48个月       25个月=2年零1个月1000平方分米=10平方米   200平方厘米=2平方分米一块手帕的面积约是4平方分米   一块橡皮的面积约是4平方厘米电动车每小时行25千米    哥哥的体重约是40千克
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