
完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I walked along the I-595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale, picking up rubbish. I paused to   31   the sweat off my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky.   32  can't it rain? I thought. That would   33   things down. I thought about my   34  , who were probably sitting in an air-conditioned   35  right now. I'd had some problems in school,   36   my parents decided to let me   37   full-time with my dad. We both worked for my uncle, who had taken   38   of a maint请用一句话概括下面一段文字所表达的观点。(4分) 香港大学的校徽,镌刻着“明德格物”四个字。“明德”和“格物”,是非常古老的说法。明德,意为美德,语出《尚书·君陈》:“黎稷非馨,明德唯馨。”格物,见《礼记·大学》:“致知格物,物格而知至。”对于“格物致知”的解释,从宋儒起,一直众说纷纭,清末则有人将科学技术一类统称为“格致之学”。科学技术和人文精神确实不可偏废。属于尖端科学的核能利用,能够造福人类,也能够毁灭世界;同是电脑高手,有的在不断地为人工智能的发展增光添彩,有的则成为“黑客”,或骚扰,或攻击,不断地制造麻烦。如鲁迅所说,发明了罗盘,只是看风水;发明了火药,只是做自娱娱神的鞭炮。 这段文字的观点是: (不超过15个字)                                                             
英语 试题推荐